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The Committee

The Committee of the Hydrographic Basin of the Médio Paraíba do Sul - CBH-Meio Paraíba do Sul was established on September 11, 2008, by State Decree No. 41.475, of September 11, 2008. On November 25, 2015, this Decree was amended by State Decree no. 45,466. Headquartered in the municipality of Volta Redonda / RJ, the Committee is a collegiate body that is part of the State System of Management and Water Resources - SEGRHI, in accordance with State Law No. 3,239 / 1999.

Its objective is to promote the decentralized and participatory management of the water resources of Hydrographic Region III of the State of Rio de Janeiro, which comprises the region constituted by the Rio Preto basin and the tributaries of the upper middle course of the Paraíba do Sul river in the State of Rio de Janeiro, fully encompassing the municipalities of Barra Mansa, Comendador Levy Gasparian, Itatiaia, Pinheiral, Porto Real, Quatis, Resende, Rio das Flores, Valença and Volta Redonda, as well as partially the municipalities of Barra do Piraí, Mendes, Miguel Pereira, Paraíba do Sul, Paty do Alferes, Piraí, Rio Claro, Três Rios and Vassouras, located in the southern Fluminense region of the state.

The Médio Paraíba do Sul Committee has consultative, deliberative and normative functions, at the regional level, and is composed of a plenary with 24 full members, with right to voice and vote, and alternates, distributed as follows:

  • 8 Representatives of Water Users;
  • 8 Representatives of Civil Society;
  • 8 Representatives of the Public Power (municipal, state, federal). .

The Committee also has a Board, composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and three Directors, and a Permanent Technical Chamber of Management and Legal Instruments. Its Internal Rules were approved by the Plenary Meeting of the Committee on April 16, 2009, having undergone two changes.

Know the area of activity of the Committee clicking here